
I want to go far far away from the place I call home. What is home anyway? I find it a place where I keep my stuff for safety. A place where I end up most nights from a long day of work. What I have now is far beyond the definition my kindergarten teacher use to tell us about home.

I admit I have a rough childhood and I shouldn't blame anyone nor myself. But there's only too much a person can take. And now I want to runaway. I want to be safe and all I can think about during this rebellion is you. I called you up and ask you to take me away. You didn't asked my why. You took the first train out and met me half an hour later. All I have with me was an overnight bag. We laughed and left the station.

I didn't know where we are going, neither did you. We spend the night in a beach south of the city. Cuddled together, you intrigued me with your knowledge about the stars. I follow your hand as you connect the dots forming figures of creatures in the night sky. You comforted me. You understood that all I needed was a moment of stillness away from the world.

"And if you find yourself lost, do know that you can always come back here".

A reassuring silence enveloped us as I closed my eyes for the time being.